Friday 24 July 2015


My gray eyes are swollen and I can feel them stinging. My head hurts and I will for the pain to go
away. I try to concentrate on watching the heavy rain hitting hard against the glass pane of the cottage
window. Wrapping my arms tight around myself, I am reminded how the rain looks like little streams,
as it rolls down the cold glass – just like the tears rolling down my hot burning cheeks.
“Why does everyone I love leave me?” I ask out loud, even though there is no one here to answer
I am all by myself.
Once again.
Rejected by the people I love.
I clench my eyes shut. And try to mentally block out the sad story of my life. If only the last two
years can be erased.
A sob escapes my lips, then another and another. This dreadful ache in my chest, this devastation –
like a hundred knives twisting into my heart - I have never experienced before. The pain pounding
through every organ of mine as I weep uncontrollably for the love I have lost. I can’t control the
tremors rocking my body as I lose myself as the past comes flooding back.
Ethan was not supposed to leave me. We were together for two years... undoubtedly the best two
years of my life. We planned on graduating Midland Falls University the following year together. And
then we were going to move back to Manhattan... together. Everything was perfect and for the first
time in my life I was happy and in love.
I loved Ethan with every cell in my body. He was my world, he was everything. But then fate
intervened... again... and made sure he too was taken away from me. Forever.
And now here I am at MFU alone. With just my memories to remind me of what I once had.
I remember that day, that horrible devastating afternoon a few weeks ago - the events that left me
crushed as my life changed and there was not a damn thing I could do. I was powerless to the forces
of nature.
It all comes flooding back to me as if it were yesterday. I still remember every word we spoke and
every painful ache. A day I would like to permanently erase from my memory. I never knew it was
humanly possible to experience so much heart ache like I did on that one fateful day.


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